Summoner Spells

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Late Game Items

Spell Skill Priority

Taric Runes

lolvvv Taric Runes
Taric Runes

Ally Tips
The cooldown reducing component of Bravado makes Cooldown Reduction items like Frozen Heart, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Spirit Visage exceptionally powerful on Taric Runes.
Using Starlight's Touch at lower charges makes its healing less Mana efficient, but can greatly increase Taric Runes's sustained damage via Bravado.
Rather than saving Cosmic Radiance for the last moment and risking someone dying during the delay, it can be more beneficial to cast it as soon as you know a teamfight is guaranteed to start.
Enemy Tips
Taric Runes's ultimate, Cosmic Radiance, has a long delay before its effect. Try to quickly assess whether to disengage the fight or attempt to kill his allies before it goes off.
Taric Runes reduces his spell cooldowns by basic attacking enemies with Bravado. Try to kite him in teamfights and punish him for approaching the minion wave in lane.